The main authors are: Eren Cam, John Moloney, and Francys PintoMiranda.Keisuke Sadamori, director of t…..
18621294888 立即咨询上海壹沪融资网发布 时间:2023-10-25 热度:7
This study was prepared by the Gas, Coal and Power Markets (GCP) Division ofthe International Energy Agency (lEA). It was designed and directed by Eren Cam.Energy Analyst for Electricity.
The main authors are: Eren Cam, John Moloney, and Francys Pinto Miranda.Keisuke Sadamori, director of the IEA Energy Markets and Security (EMS)Directidance were provided by other seniormanagement within the IEA, in particular, Laura Cozzi. Expert guidance andvaluable input of Carlos Fernandez Alvarez, Senior Energy Analyst is greatlyappreciated.
a Abdelilah, Heymi Bahar,Stephanie Bouckaert, LouisChambeau, Elizabeth Connelly, Javier Jorquera Copier, Carole Etienne, KeithEverhart,Takeshi Furukawa, Pablo Hevia-Koch, Arne Lilienkamp, GergelyMolnar, Yannick Monschauer, Hiroyasu Sakaguchi, Brent Wanner.
The authors would also like to thank Gregory Viscusi and .Julia Horowitz for skilfullyediting the manuscript, and also Astrid Dumond and Jethro Mullen from the IEACommunication and Dig tal Office for their assistance.